Lesson 6 - Multiple Suppliers, Foreign Currency Prices

With Almyta Inventory Control software, you can maintain multiple suppliers for each part. All data is stored in the Supplier's Catalog. Supplier's catalog contains the following fields: Item ID, Supplier ID, Supplier Part, Supplier's Unit of Measure (Buying Units), Suppliers' Packaging, Product Lead Time, Product Price, and Supplier's Contract. The contract is an optional field which can be used to store catalog expiration dates and supplier's terms.

If you need to maintain the supplier's catalog in foreign currency prices, set up a supplier's currency once. To set up the supplier's currency, go to the Orders menu tab, Suppliers choice (far right), find the supplier, switch to the More tab on the screen, and select an appropriate currency in the Price catalog Currency list.

In the software, Supplier's Catalog is presented in a form of datasheet. The catalog screen is easy to browse and maintain.

Inventory Software - Supplier Catalog

Supplier's Catalog is used in Almyta Inventory Control software for buying decision optimizations. One practical example of such optimization is a problem of picking the best suppliers for components in Just in Time (JIT) business practices. Open Bill of Materials screen and pick up a machine to build or a recipe to cook.

Inventory Software - Bill of Materials

Click the Just in Time button. The Suggested Purchase orders screen will appear.

Inventory Software - Suggested Purchase Orders

For each required inventory item, there are three top suppliers shown in an order of pre-selected optimization: by price, by amount, by lead time. Flip the Use switch to select a supplier. The total amount of the purchase and earliest arrival (Delivery by) of all material will be recalculated on the fly. Change the Requested by switch to quickly see which materials will not arrive on time. Click the Make POs button to create purchase orders.

Inventory Software - 2 Purchase Orders Created

If some suppliers send you a catalog in their local currency, specify the currency in the Supplier's record once (Orders menu tab, Suppliers screen, More tab, Price Catalog Currency field). The Supplier's Catalog is maintained in Supplir's currency and units of measure. Almyta will always create purchase orders in a correct currency for proper buying (UOM) units.

Inventory Software - Purchase Order Foreign Currency

There is a currency conversion table which needs to be updated. When Almyta is about to use the table, it prompts you to update currency rates. The rates are updated automatically. Just click the Update Rates button and today's rates will be fetched from the Internet for you. Almyta reminds you to update the rates only when they are older than 24 hours.

Inventory Software - Currency Conversion Rates


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